Welcome to Lakeside Senior Living in McKenzie, Tennessee

"There is nothing more rewarding than seeing residents being blessed in a community that we developed" - GoodWorks Owners Ricki and Gary Keckley

Comforts of Home, Care You Deserve

At Lakeside Senior Living, our community is family. We want our residents to experience meaningful moments and genuine connections. From stunning lake views to conversations with friends, we staff strive to fill our residents’ lives with laughter, relaxation, and comfort.

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance us to do.”

– Ephasians 2:10

Peek Inside

What’s life like at Lakeside? Peaceful. Joyful. Loving.

Challenge a friend to a card game. Join a fitness class. Watch wildlife in our backyard. Catch a fish at Carroll Lake. Visit town for a mall stroll or a round at the golf club.

Our Independent Living Lifestyle

Our community allows residents the freedom to enjoy life at their own pace. We take care of housekeeping and support residents with personal care services. We adapt to the level of care they need for daily activities, including coordinating with local healthcare providers.

Why Choose Lakeside?

From dance classes to card games to trips into town, Lakeside Senior Living is full of new adventures and new friendships.


Our floor plans offer residents open space and a variety of amenities, including patios and balconies. Enjoy the Carroll Lake scenery.

Gallery & Floorplans

Lakeside Senior Living is designed to help residents feel comfortable and safe, supporting aging in place with personalized support.

Our Community

Our Gallery

Get in Touch with Us Today

Cris Stafford

Executive Director

Our Address

  • 390 Dr. Smith Lane
  • McKenzie, TN 38201

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